The Abel Visiting Scholar Program is intended for mathematicians professionally based in developing countries to visit an international research collaborator for a period of one month. For visits that are longer than one month, applicants must provide evidence of financial support from the host institution to cover the living expenses beyond the first month.
The program is designed for post doctoral mathematicians in the early stages of their professional careers. It is designed to offer the opportunity for a ‘research sabbatical,’ a necessary complement to teaching and other academic duties for mathematicians desiring to also sustain a viable research program.
The Abel Visiting Scholar Program is fully funded by the Abel Prize in mathematics and is administered by the Commission for Developing Countries of the International Mathematical Union.
Usually up to 3 Grants are available per year.
Applications must be received at least four months before the desired starting date. The selection committee will review the applications and award fellowships every four months.
Applicants must
1. hold at the time of application a PhD in Mathematics,
2. be based in a developing country at the time of application (As defined by IMU)
3. hold a position in a university/ research institution
4. be in the early stages of their professional careers, more precisely: the applicants should
4. 1) not yet be of full professorial rank but have a working contract in a university/ college
4. 2) be under 35 years of age at the day of the application deadline.
The maximum age may be increased by up to three years in the case of an individual with a broken career pattern. This should be noted in the application together with the reason for the broken career pattern. Applications from women mathematicians are strongly encouraged.
Selection Criteria
The selection criteria is based on the the quality of the project and the benefit/added value for the home institution/country.
Each completed application submitted via the online pplication form must include:
Please merge all required documents into one (1) PDF file to be uploaded as part of your application.
Applications not completed by the deadline, cannot be considered for evaluation.
The grant can cover for one month and only for the applicant up to US$5,000 Dollars:
If you travel during public holidays in the host country and while the host institution is closed for public holidays (e.g. during Christmas time) you cannot received basic living cost during the period the institution is closed, but your accommodation cost can be paid.
Please note that the grant does not cover any travel costs, accommodation and living costs for requests for additional trips (e.g. to participate in conferences/ workshops) during this time.
The grant is paid in two installments:
A selection committee decides which applications are successful.
The Selection Committee consists of
Members 2. and 3. serve for a three year term with a maximum of two periods. The IMU EC decides on the duration of member 1.
The current terms of the Selection Committee are as followed respectively: